Historic $38.4 Million Bonus Allocation

*calculated on the sum insured of the policy
We celebrate a historical Bonus allocation of $38.4 million for the 2023 financial year to be shared amongst our Policyholders.
We are delighted to advise that despite the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, BSP Life maintained the Reversionary Bonus rate at 2.5% for annual paying products and 2% for single premium products.

In addition, BSP Life maintained the Terminal Bonus rate at 0.85% for policies maturing and terminating in 2024. Individual Bonus statements will be issued from April via email and uploaded on to our online customer portal MY BSP Life.
Please email us on bula@bsplife.com.fj or chat live via www.bsplife.com.fj to register for MY BSP Life online portal.
Email cmmarketing@bsplife.com.fj for more information