Bula Secure Plus is the perfect addition to your Life Insurance portfolio
Bula Secure Plus is a perfect addition to your life insurance portfolio. With premiums paid all at once, you are free from the hassle of making regular payments, while your insurance policy provides life protection during the term, a guaranteed sum insured and declared bonuses at maturity.
Features & Benefits of Bula Secure Plus
The Bula Secure Plus offers sum insured from $50,000 to $2,000,000 to suit your needs. The maximum sum insured per Life for Bula Secure Plus is $2,000,000. .
Policy Term
Policy term of 10 years.
Compounding Bonus
Accumulate wealth on your policy with declared bonuses calculated on a compounding basis.
Worldwide Coverage
You enjoy the security of worldwide protection 24/7.
Cover is available from birth to age 60.
Policy Debt Deduction
Policy debts (if any) will be deducted from all benefit payments made.
Hassle Free
Hassle free application, where no underwriting is applicable for sums insured of $1,000,000 or less per Life Insured.

Built-In Benefits
These are the built-in benefits included in your policy.
Free Interim Accident Cover
While your application is being considered, a free interim accident cover equivalent to $50,000 or the sum insured of Bula Secure (whichever is less), will apply. This benefit will cease 60 days after receipt of your application or on the date the proposal is accepted, deferred, declined or expires, whichever occurs first.
Bereavement Support
Bereavement Support is payable on the death of the life insured to help with funeral assistance. The amount payable is 10% of the total applicable Death Benefit. This benefit will not apply for a life insured less than 10 years old or for any bereavement support claimed within one year from the policy commencement date.
Death Benefit
(a) If the Life Insured below the age of 10 years dies, a refund of premiums plus interest at a rate determined by BSP Life at the time of payment is paid.
b) If the Life Insured is 10 years old and above and dies through:
(i) Accidental Death on or before the policy maturity date; sum insured plus declared bonus and an additional amount of $50,000 less total survival benefits paid, policy debts and any bereavement support benefit paid.
(ii) Non-Accidental Death: • Before the first (1st) Policy Anniversary Date, where the sum insured is less than or equal to $1,000,000; a refund of premiums plus interest at a rate determined by BSP Life at the time of payment is paid. • On or after the first (1st) Policy Anniversary Date, where the sum insured is less than or equal to $1,000,000; sum insured plus declared bonus less total survival benefits paid, policy debts and any bereavement support benefit paid. • On or before the policy maturity date, where the sum insured is more than $1,000,000; sum insured plus declared bonus less total survival benefits paid, policy debts and any bereavement support benefit paid.
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